08-08, 12:00–12:55 (US/Eastern), Lenovo (Breakout 1)
The annual State of EPEL presentation. What we have done the past year, what we are currently doing, and what is next. We will be giving an extra emphasis on EPEL 10.
Carl George leads the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) team in the Community Linux Engineering group at Red Hat. He participates in many open source projects, often related to his packaging activities in Fedora, EPEL, and CentOS. He is a member of the EPEL Steering Committee, the Fedora Packaging Committee, and various Fedora Special Interest Groups.
Spikey Hair, Hawaiian Shirts ... with Penguins on them.
Troy currently works for Red Hat on the CentOS Stream and Emerging RHEL teams.
He is the EPEL Steering Committee chair. He is chair of the Centos Alternative Images SIG.
Troy is also on the Fedora KDE SIG dealing largely with KDE in EPEL.