How to be a Fedora Ambassador
2024-08-08 , Red Hat (Main 1)

Interested in becoming a Fedora Ambassador? Join our discussion and discover what it takes to become one.

Audience: All

Topics to be discussed will include the folliwing:
* Benefits (contributing and collaboration with like-minded Fedora team associates worldwide, networking, process development, resume/career advancement, input to CommunityOps )
* General onboarding – How to get started and mentor/mentee training.
* What’s the commitment like?

See also: View recording on YouTube

Perry Rivera:

I motivate, mobilize, and connect cross-functional teams with technical solutions and support and provide customer-focused DevOps Customer Success experience in commercial and non-profit industries.

I deliver system, network, and security support in a wide variety of business and home environments. I partner with clients for training and end-developer support efforts, especially in the areas of configuration management and platform integration.

Fedora contributor from 15+ years. Sysadmin, DevOps engineer and college professor. Free and Open source enthusiast. Husband and father of three, there's no food he has disliked (so far)

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Iván Chavero wrote his first programs in Basic at 16, since 1997 he has
become a promoter and developer of Free Software and Open Source.
He studied computer engineering in the University of Chihuahua in which he spent
15 years managing high availability systems, he worked as Senior Software
Engineer at Red Hat developing on OpenStack and OpenShift and cutrrently works as
curriculum developer. He actively contributes to Free Software projects like
Fedora and SotolitoOS and runs a project called SotolitoLabs that is dedicated to
provide software and devices solutions to cloud and IoT.
He's a founding member of the Chihuahua Linux User Group and teaches operating systems at the Engineering
Faculty of the University of Chihuahua. When he's not programming or taming computers
you can find him riding his skateboard or playing with one of his Punk rock bands.

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