The hard problems: towards stronger checks on dependencies and compose inputs in Fedora
08-07, 15:00–15:25 (US/Eastern), Azure (Breakout 3)

We have made substantial strides towards improving Fedora's quality and reliability through automated testing in recent years. Critical path updates are gated on extensive integration tests in openQA, and many packages have opted into gating on sanity and functionality tests via Fedora CI. dist-git commits can also be tested for buildability, installability and functionality via Fedora CI. However, there are still some substantial opportunities for improvement. Gating on installability could be enforced distribution-wide for packages that are in the critical compose path. The same could be done for reverse dependency testing, with some improvements to the testing itself. There are also many opportunities to improve testing and gating of compose inputs like comps, kickstarts, and other configuration elements, and of changes like package retirements that can also cause unexpected consequences. This talk will present ideas, plans and work towards these goals.

See also:

Fedora Quality team leader for Red Hat. Fedora openQA maintainer. Contributor to Bodhi, Fedora CI, greenwave, waiverdb etc.