Marie Nordin

Matrix ID


Mentorship Summit - Panel Discussion
Amita Sharma, Marie Nordin, René Kuhn, Smera Goel, Jona Azizaj, Fernando Fernandez Mancera (ffmancera), Robert Wright

During the 2023 flock, our mentorship summit proved highly successful. We hosted a 1.5-hour "Panel Discussion" involving both mentors and mentees. The objective was clear: to nurture a culture of mentorship and align with the Fedora Project council's strategy of ensuring everyone has a mentor and is a mentor themselves.

Once again, for this upcoming mentorship summit, I propose a "Panel Discussion." Such discussions offer an excellent platform to delve into various mentorship-related topics.

Here are some suggested discussion points:
The Importance of Mentorship: Highlighting why mentorship is vital for all members of the community and its potential impact on Fedora or any open-source community.
Effective Mentorship Strategies: Exploring different approaches for establishing fruitful mentor-mentee relationships, including matching, goal-setting, and regular communication.
Mentoring through different mediums: Examining how technology has influenced mentorship programs, including virtual mentoring and online resources, along with their advantages and challenges.
Diversity and Inclusion in Mentorship: Emphasizing the significance of diversity and inclusion in mentorship and strategies for promoting them within programs.
Mentorship Goals: Discussing the expected outcomes of mentorship, such as aiding mentees in community understanding, network-building, and skill development.
Mentorship Metrics and Evaluation: Exploring methods for measuring the effectiveness of mentorship programs and assessing their impact.
Mentorship Beyond the Community: Considering opportunities for mentorship outside the Fedora community and the benefits of extending mentorship initiatives.
Overcoming Challenges in Mentorship: Addressing common obstacles in mentorship relationships and proposing strategies to overcome them.
Encouraging Participation in Mentorship: Discussing ways in which existing mentors and mentees can inspire other community members to engage in mentorship programs.

Mentor Summit
Red Hat (Main 1)
Injecting DEI into Community Event Policies
Michael Scherer, Marie Nordin

With the increased awareness of inequality, law regressions, and the push to improve diversity and inclusion in Free Software, events and DEI are becoming an important topic among organizers and communities and a source of discontent from some marginalized groups. In order to explore these challenges, this interactive workshop will dive into applying sample policies on various scenarios, such as determining event locations and decision-making for funding community-led events. Participants will experience the difficulties associated with creating equitable policies and be inspired to craft unique solutions while keeping the practical on-the-ground logistics in mind. Join this workshop to learn, broaden your perspective, and help shape the future of Fedora community events and (hopefully) beyond.

Red Hat (Main 1)
Mentorship Level Up: Connect & Communicate!
Marie Nordin, Smera Goel

Build your mentorship skills through an interactive workshop with Fedora Friends! You will learn how to communicate more effectively with mentees through practical role playing scenarios. This session will help mentors of all experience levels improve their mentorship skills. During this workshop we will:
- Introduce the topic & structure of the workshop
- Short (& fun!) ice-breaker
- Demo of role play by your hosts (Marie & Smera)
- Role-play scenarios (with breaks)
- Open discussion: sharing lessons learned & feedback on workshop
- Conclusions & takeaways

Join in the fun to strengthen your mentoring muscles, upskill your communication, and connect with Fedora friends!

Mentor Summit
Red Hat (Main 1)