Frantisek Zatloukal
How to be a superhero... of Fedora Quality!
Frantisek Zatloukal, Lukáš Růžička
What hides behind the process of making quality Fedora releases? How, and why can you contribute? How CI gating, blocker bugs, common bugs, validation matrices, blocker reviews, and go/no-go meetings work? How does the freeze process work? How do all these parts fit together?
How can anybody help a tiny bit to make the final releases as rock-stable as possible for as many hardware as possible? We'll get through all the important bits of the Quality Assurance of Fedora releases with a bit of showcasing for each of the sections, so you'll see under the hood how we work and you'll be able to help with ensuring and improving your life for your use-cases of the distribution.
Rocky (Breakout 2)