CentOS Connect

Neal Gompa

In addition to being a consultant at Velocity Limitless, Neal Gompa is a developer for and contributor to Fedora, CentOS, and openSUSE. Neal focuses primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and software management, and desktop Linux. He's a big believer in upstream first, which has led him all over the open source world.


Hyperscale SIG + Alternative Images SIG meetup
Neal Gompa, Davide Cavalca, Troy Dawson

This will be a combined meetup led by the Hyperscale and Alternative Images SIGs. This meetup will be an opportunity to sync up and collaborate on the next year of work within both SIGs.

Of particular focus will be the bringup of support for CentOS Stream 10 based deliverables (Hyperscale Spin, alternative desktop images, cloud and ARM disk images, etc.) and future efforts around growing the CentOS community.

Hyperscale SIG update
Neal Gompa, Davide Cavalca

This presentation will provide an update on what the CentOS Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what work has been done by the Hyperscale SIG in CentOS Stream, what deliverables are available, how to use them, and what's coming up next.

Creating content collections for CentOS SIGs
Neal Gompa

CentOS Hyperscale is constructed with the combination of CentOS Stream, Fedora EPEL, and our own produced packages. This gives us a broad content set, but since each of these are released with their own cadences, it becomes important to create discrete collections of this for various purposes (notably integration testing).

This talk will discuss the problem and share the solution created for the Hyperscale SIG, and show how other CentOS SIGs and communities can benefit from it.
